Product FAQ's

All our Products online have a Frequently Asked Questions section where we try to provide answers to questions we receive in our customer service department. We hope these are helpful though if we have missed anything that comes to mind, please contact us and we will load your question to the products for new customers.

How do I order a Product

All ordering takes place online. If you struggle with our web sites, please contact us by phone and we will take your order for you. Please be aware that we will place your order online using the precise same system as our shopping web sites.

What if I get stuck part way through ordering

If you get stuck, your computer or ours crashes part way through please do not worry. You can either start again at a later time, or you can get in touch with us and we will check if the order you attempted has been partly saved to our server. If it has then it's probably very easy for us to complete the order on the phone and take payment to release to order and save you time having to do it again.

What the payment seems to have not gone through or I clicked twice on the payment button

Please do not worry if you think the payment went through twice by accident, or you are unsure if the payment went through at all. Simply get in touch with us and we will check the order on the server, and also check at the bank on our payment screens and if things have gone wrong, we will soon correct the error.

I made an order out of your office hours and have questions before confirming the order

Simply save the order as far through the checkout process as you can and then get in touch. The more information from your order that is saved the better because when you do get in touch, our system may have saved all the information and we can complete the order on the phone.

I have a question that's not covered in these FAQ's

Please contact us and we will answer your question and also consider it for addition to this page for other customers to see. We always listen to your suggestions.